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Writer's picturehippiehomestead19

DIY Homesteading: Making Seed Tape

Anyone who has bought seeds, has at some point most likely come across seed tape. This stuff is amazing, you don't have to worry about the plants not being spread out enough, it is already spaced so you don't usually have to thin them either. But I can't always find the tape in the seeds i'm wanting, so what are we to do?

We make our own!

This is super simple and all you need is toilet paper, the seeds you want to plant and a bit of water.

Lay your toilet paper out on a flat surface and drop some drops of water along one side of it or you can mist it a little bit. I find I have better control with a dropper.

Lay each seed individually along the wet side of the toilet paper. Space them out according to package growing directions, so 1 -2 inches in between depending on what you are planting. Fold the dry side over to the wet side and gently pat down. It should dry fairly quickly if you didn't add too much water.

You can see in this picture how my spinach is nice and evenly spaced.

Now just dig your rows and lay the seed tape down, gently covering it with soil and water. Your seeds are spaces, they wont wash away unless you have some serious raining or over watering going on either.

This does the best with plants that grow well in rows, carrots, spinach, lettuce, collards, kale, okra etc... You could even do this with peppers and tomatoes but make sure your tomatoes have some sort of trellis as they are a vineing plant.

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