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Writer's picturehippiehomestead19

Tradition Medicine: Plantain

Updated: May 21, 2019

When you hear the word Plantain, almost everyone immediately thinks of the fruit that closely resembles bananas...That's def not we're we're going to discuss right now.

I'm talking about Broadleaf or narrowleaf plantain. Many think of this plant as an invasive weed but that couldn't be further from the truth.

This "weed" is a very powerful plant and I think it's important that everyone learn about it, especially if you are a prepper, into natural healing or a homesteader.

Plantain aids in digestion. When steeped and consumed as a tea, it is believed to reduce inflammation and help repair the gut.

Plantain is a wound healer. because it draws toxins from the body with its astringent nature,

plantain may be crushed and placed as a poultice directly over the site of bee stings, bug bites, acne, slivers, glass splinters, rashes, cuts etc. We make ours into a salve and have a natural "neosporin" type salve around the house at all times.

Plantain can treat hemorrhoids. Because of the aforementioned astringent properties of plantain, it can be used to heal hemorrhoids. If you have ever had a Hemorrhoid, you know how painful they can be and how quickly you want them to heal up.

These are just a few things plantain can do. It seems there are very few conditions in which this plant can't help.

Go HERE to learn how to make a plantain salve, of if you don't feel like making your own I will have some in my shop soon.

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